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Changes to Summer 2022 exams for Modern Languages

Writer's picture: KateKate

7th February 2022

The changes to this year's examination series for GCSEs in Modern Languages have now been announced, along with advance information on what the A Level exams will cover.

Here is a summary of changes made by AQA. This is based on the Spanish syllabus. Please take the time to check the information published by your chosen examination board (AQA, Pearson, Cambridge International) for your chosen language, and contact us if you would like to discuss your exams in more detail.

Planned changes for GCSE Spanish (AQA):

  • Optionality for Paper 4 (Writing)

  • Paper 4 (Writing) exam time extended

  • No requirement for vocabulary outside specification

  • Speaking tests to take place as normal, with a contingency in place

  • Advance information on exams is available here.

Planned changes for A Level Spanish (AQA):

To help students focus their work, AQA have released advance information on what exams will cover for papers 1 and 3.

Full information is available here.

Paper 1: Listening, Reading and Writing

3.1.1 Aspects of Hispanic society Modern and traditional values (Los valores tradicionales y modernos) La influencia de la Iglesia Católica Cyberspace (El ciberespacio) Los móviles inteligentes en nuestra sociedad Equal rights (La igualdad de los sexos) Los derechos de los gays y las personas transgénero 3.1.2 Multiculturalism in Hispanic society Racism (El racismo) Las actitudes racistas y xenófobas Integration (La convivencia) La convivencia de culturas 3.2.1 Artistic culture in the Hispanic world Modern day idols (La influencia de los ídolos) Estrellas de televisión y cine Spanish regional identity (La identidad regional en España) La identidad regional en España Tradiciones y costumbres Cultural heritage (El patrimonio cultural) Sitios turísticos y civilizaciones prehispánicas: Machu Picchu, la Alhambra, etc Arte y arquitectura 3.2.2 Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world Today's youth, tomorrow's citizens (Jóvenes de hoy, ciudadanos de mañana)

Los jóvenes y su actitud hacia la política: activismo o apatía Monarchies and dictatorships (Monarquías y dictaduras) La dictadura de Franco Popular movements (Movimientos populares) La efectividad de las manifestaciones y las huelgas

Paper 3: Speaking

3.1.1 Aspects of Hispanic society Modern and traditional values (Los valores tradicionales y modernos) Los cambios en la familia Cyberspace (El ciberespacio) Las redes sociales: beneficios y peligros Equal rights (La igualdad de los sexos) El machismo y el feminismo 3.1.2 Multiculturalism in Hispanic society Immigration (La inmigración) La inmigración en el mundo hispánico Racism (El racismo) Las actitudes racistas y xenófobas Integration (La convivencia) La convivencia de culturas La educación 3.2.1 Artistic culture in the Hispanic world Modern day idols (La influencia de los ídolos) La influencia de los ídolos Spanish regional identity (La identidad regional en España) Tradiciones y costumbres Cultural heritage (El patrimonio cultural) Arte y arquitectura 3.2.2 Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world Today's youth, tomorrow's citizens (Jóvenes de hoy, ciudadanos de mañana)

El paro entre los jóvenes Monarchies and dictatorships (Monarquías y dictaduras) Dictadores latinoamericanos Popular movements (Movimientos populares) Ejemplos de protestas sociales (eg. El 15-M, las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, ...)

In summary, the changes are intended to help students prepare for this year's Modern Language GCSEs and A Levels and focus their work on the most relevant areas.

We will continue to work closely with students to ensure revision plans are up-to-date and support them in preparing for exams with confidence.

Kate Maria Languages and Globe Language Academy are online language schools providing distance learning courses for GCSE and A Level Spanish, Portuguese, German and Italian.

To find out more about our GCSE and A Level language courses, or to address any questions you might have about this year's exam series, please feel free to contact us:


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